We Service Frederick, Erie, Thornton, Longmont, Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, Fort Collins, & North Denver Metro
The city of Thornton Colorado has been growing since it's beginning in the 1950's. The city planners could see that the population of the city was going to become extremely large so they took it upon themselves to purchase water rights over 40 years ago. They purchased the water rights from the Cache la Poudre River. The problem is they want to cross parts of Larimer county with a pipeline to get the water to Thornton.
The Larimer county commissioners voted on Feb 11th of 2019 to deny the permit that the city of Thornton is requesting. The permit was denied because of the impact it would have to landowners in Larimer county. So the city has essentially purchased water rights that it can't access without a pipeline. Now is when the city of Thornton cries foul and goes and gets lawyered up to take on the big meanies in Larimer county. The attorneys for the city argue that the state of Colorado provides laws that allow them to construct utility infastructure projects and that Larimer county disregarded these facts. The project held seven hearings prior to the rejection by Larimer trying to be as accomodating as possible to the citizens of the county.
The opposition to the pipeline is a group called "No Pipe Dream" and they have organized to fight against the cities request. They are organizing meetings to ensure that the city of Thornton doesn't cut a deal with Larimer County to the detriment of the citizens.
The show down is coming to a courtroom soon. Water rights in Colorado are a massive deal so get to your basement and get your popcorn ready.
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